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O.U.R. and Smarter Parenting team up

Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) is an organization that rescues children who have been kidnapped or sold in the sex-trade, child labor or human trafficking. Their founder, Tim Ballard, travels the world in an effort to end this problem. A documentary movie will be released about O.U.R., it’s mission and to raise awareness of this problem. Watch the trailer below.

How is Smarter Parenting helping?

Smarter Parenting has joined with the AfterCare Team of O.U.R. by providing resources to help in the care of these children after they are rescued. These children are in need of care, rehabilitation, and treatment. O.U.R. works closely with governments and non-profit agencies to empower them to provide this treatment. Smarter Parenting helps by providing online services for providers and individuals. The lessons help support loving adults work with these children. The lessons are effective since they were researched and established initially with children who had severe behavioral problems. Children rescued from human trafficking often suffer from trauma, PTSD and other challenges due to their abuse and neglect. Smarter Parenting also provides manuals for aftercare centers.

Most recently a training in Africa was conducted where service providers were introduced to Smarter Parenting. The availability of having resources online provide these providers with additional support. They are able to access lessons, printouts, examples and support whenever they need it. These lessons will also be taught to foster parents in these agencies.

Smarter Parenting has also opened up online coaching for these areas. Communication with providers in these areas through technology, apps and the internet have made it possible for use to engage with therapists and parents in real time and work through issues they are facing. The Director of Aftercare for O.U.R., Jessica Maas, stated, “Smarter Parenting is helping by providing online resources where they can access it at any time and receive free coaching for additional questions. It is very helpful for aftercare centers to have resources to support the daily skill-based needs of children.”

Power of the Teaching-Family Model

Smarter Parenting uses the skills of the Teaching-Family Model. The Teaching-Family Model has been empirically tested and is evidenced based according to the American Psychological Association. The skills of this model were created in the late 1960’s as part of joint research program between the University of Kansas and the National Institute of Mental Health. Dr. Montrose Wolf and his team were able to identify specific skills parents or caregivers could use to help shape and change behaviors. Initially the implementation of this model included working with seven difficult teenagers who were referred by the Juvenile Justice system. The model has been replicated in various ways and to various populations. The power of this approach is found in the ability it has to help all kinds of children with various challenges. The model is used in various agencies that care for children internationally as well.

Using the skills of the Teaching-Family Model with rescued children will help provide caregivers and the children more success in their transition to a healthy life. The skills do not replace traditional therapy but are a support to that effort.


Become an Abolitionist

For the price of a McDonald’s Happy meal you can help support O.U.R. to rid the world of child slavery. Become an Abolitionist and support Operation Underground Railroad.

Smarter Parenting is proud to partner with O.U.R. in an effort to help and change the world for children.