Chore Monster: a review for parents
This app has been one that we have wanted to review for some time. We are happy to finally share how this app can help parents keep track of chores, rewards and tasks for children digitally. Watch the following video to see how it works.
What is Chore Monster?
Chore Monster is a group of web and mobile applications that help parents manage chores for their children. Parents can access Chore Monster on their mobile device as well as a desktop computer. Parents have to create an account. Children can also access Chore Monster on an electronic device with their own account.
How does it work?
There are two sides of Chore Monster. One side is for the parent and the other side is for the child. First, parents create a list of chores for a child to complete. They also set point values for each chore and correlating rewards. Parents also set a time when the chore must be completed. Once a chore is completed the parent can confirm or the deny the chore as well.
The child can also log in and view the chores that they must do. They can see the point values for each chore and determine which chores to do based on when they are due. This allows the child to make and manager their own decisions. If your child is having a hard time making a decision we recommend they watch and use the SODAS method that can be found in the Decision Making lesson on Smarter Parenting. Allowing your child to make some decisions will also provide you with opportunities to communicate with them about their choices. Once a chore is completed well, a child can turn in their points for real life items (if you have agreed to do that) or for digital rewards within the app.
This app keeps track of everything a traditional chore chart would do but in a way parents can monitor electronically.
The benefits for parents of using this app:
- Easy to access information from phone and desktop computer.
- Easy interface for parent to input information and for child to access information.
- No need to print out chore charts.
- Easy for child and parent to monitor progress of chores.
The downside to using this app is that it does require your child to be online to see progress. If you are a parenting trying to monitor the time your child spends online this app may not be the best option.
Benefit of chore charts
It doesn’t matter if you use an electronic chore monitoring app or if you do it using paper and pencil. The most important thing is to keep a chore chart. Chore charts help children keep track of their responsibilities and allows them enter into contracts with parents. Parents can use chore charts to teach children accountability, meeting expectations, rewards for positive behaviors and build self esteem. Parents can also use experiences with chore charts to build trust and improve communication. There is a certain amount of cooperation and collaboration that happens with children and parents when using chore charts.
If you would prefer to use paper chore charts we have a wide assortment of styles and themes in the resource section of Smarter Parenting and on our blog. They are all free to download.
There are also many other electronic chore charts that you can use. We decided to highlight this one because it appears to be popular with parents. You can learn more information about Chore Monster.
Is there an app that you use as a parent that would be helpful for other parents to use? If so, please let us know. We would love to review it.
Next week we will review another app. Until next time, be safe in cyberspace and be sure to check out these additional parenting materials