5 Things you should never say to your child

5 things you should never say to your child After my daughter had interrupted my sewing project for what felt like the hundredth time, I said one of those things you should never say to your child, “Go away so I can finish this!” Her countenance went dark and I...

Natural vs artificial motivators for kids

Natural vs artificial motivators for kids There is a balance between using natural motivators and artificial motivators to encourage a child to behave appropriately. Earning stickers or having a reward jar is a great way to increase motivation initially, but...

When parents don’t parent the same

When parents don’t parent the same Scenario 1: A 12-year-old girl comes home from a friend’s house 30 minutes later than when her dad asked her to be home. She nervously walks in the door and her dad sternly explains that she cannot play the next day because she did...